Portfolio - Designs V1
My initial design for my portfolio is now uploaded.
I've gone for a very simple idea with a high contrast border around the outside to hopefully draw the users attention directly into the centre of my site with my content.
Any feedback is as always appreciated.
I think the first thing that I notice is that overpowering black border. I personally think that it's far too thick, and it would serve its purpose a lot better if you just had a subtle 1px border. People will see your site anyway, so there isn't much need to attract somebody's eyes towards the centre. I think the border makes it more difficult to read the text.
On the subject of text, I think you've got too much on the homepage. I would say that if somebody is viewing your portfolio the first thing they would expect to see is your work, with very little text (if any at all). In your design you have a 50 - 50 balance, and people simply won't read it all. If people want to read about you, they'll click a link on your navigation.
You definitely need a logo too, to differentiate your design and allow you to establish a running theme. If you don't want to go for a logo, at least take off the .co.uk on the end of your header because people already know what website they're on. Maybe try using a few different colours too to break up the black and white.
Cheers Craig, Chris also mentioned about the black border and on reflection I do think it sort of has the opposite effect I was going for.
As for the text the design is perhaps a little exaggerated with the amount of text on there but I was going for a 50/50 divide.
I think you could be right about less text though but I still think it would be important for at least a sentence or two on the homepage to tell the user just exactly what the site is about.
Logo wise I'm not too sure about. I've being trying to come up with some sort of logo but finding it quite awkward. It's likely I'll just keep the name but get rid of the .co.uk like you say.
Even if you're struggling with the logo I think you should attempt to come up with some sort of logo. It adds a personal touch. Try finding a nice font and go from there.
I don't think you should be going for a 50/50 divide with your images to content, especially not on the homepage. Fill the homepage with your favourite projects (with little images of them or however you choose) then when the user clicks on one that is when the text content comes in.
People will just get turned off your site with so much text on the homepage.
I'm on the bandwagon re the black border. Also as Craig mentioned I think you need to add some colour a nice bright blue.
Regarding a logo I think its easiest to start with taking your initials and then playing around with different fonts. I think it is quite difficult when trying to design your own logo, I haven't done so either.
I agree the black is too dominant maybe a light grey would offer a more sophisticated solution.
I know this is a first mock up but I think it needs a bit more detail on the page. More visual please! As the others have said, a logo would achieve this.
I haven't designed a logo yet as Drew says it's quite difficult to get right, however I think it is worth the challenge and will make an immediate impact on the site.
One other thing, I don't think it is advisable to include student in the header. I know we are students but I don't think it purveys a professional web site. (no offence to all students!)
I think you have chosen a very simple layout that a user should have no problem navigating. I also think the text width is right for the site.
I would agree with the others about the black border width. But as a first iteration I see this as more of getting the layout right and then colour schemes and logos for the final design.
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