Portfolio - Delivery Requirements
Filezilla - FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
This will be used to upload all my files to the web server for viewing on the Internet. It will be used for uploading files for testing as well as uploading completed files.
XHTML (eXtensive Hyper Text Markup Language) Strict 1.0
This will be used to create the skeleton of the site in which all the content will be placed. It will be used on every page of the site, no matter what the extension. It will contain code which calls upon my CSS (see below) such as < div id= "___" > etc.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Level 2.1
This will be used to style my pages. It will be linked to my site externally so it can be used for numerous pages not just one. I will use aspects of both level 1 and level 2.1 but will try and not use level 3 features as these are not as widely supported as earlier versions.
PHP (Hypertext Protocol) 5.2.4
PHP will be used to make my pages dynamic. It will be used on various pages throughout my site such as my feedback form page (to allow users to send me feedback more securely than a mailto: link). It will also be combined with MySQL (see below) to allow me to create a login form for my site which will allow certain individuals to see other areas of my site with more work on which I do not want to show to the general public.
MySQL will be combined with PHP to allow for the creation of dynamic pages. MySQL will be the database which will contain the user names and passwords of individuals who have permission to view the secure area of my site containing other parts of my work.
How come you have chosen to use an external FTP rather than the one built into Dreamweaver? Does it have any benefits?
Mainly as when I am at home I use Komodo Edit Marc (not Dreamweaver) which doesn't have it's own FTP installed.
Usually when I'm at college I also find it easier to just use my cpanel instead of having to set the settings up for Dreamweaver each time.
Ok... So why do you prefer Komodo edit and not Dreamweaver?
It started off simply just me wanting to try and learn to hand code instead of relying on design view in Dreamweaver.
Now though i've found out Dreamweaver puts a lot of extra useless code in that's not needed too.
Look in the 'big companies and their validation' thread on the forum, I think there's a discussion in there.
If you use the code view however in Dreamweaver the only code added is the code you add.
The PHP acronym is wrong as well PHP is the first P of it. I.e PHP: Hypertext Protocol.
You haven't really gone into why you will be using some of these technologies e.g. why are you using XHTML 1.0 etc.
Personally I felt when reading your post that this was one of the best. I feel you have explained all your points thoroughly and that it flows really well. I like how in some of the cases the points are mentioned in the previous point.
I think its interesting that you don't use dreamweaver, I don't think I would be confident enough yet to leave the comfort of Dreamweaver.
To be honest Drew I was slightly forced to move away from Dreamweaver as when I first got my Mac I didn't have Dreamweaver for it.
I think it's a good thing moving away from it though as it's not guaranteed every work place will have the software you're used to and so a varied amount of software knowledge is essential.
I agree Craig, you do need to try other applications Dreamweaver is not the only piece of kit a designer/developer has to use.
In the SMLP I am using "textwrangler" which is a free text editor for Mac made by Bare Bones. I have also been experimenting (just a little) with GoLIve (shhh), which has different features again!
I think it makes sense to broaden your software experiences as it helps to develop a greater understanding of the web developer environment.
That is a good point and somthing I have never really though about before. I use the split view in Dreamweaver, although I dont know why because when I upload somthing it never looks the same in the design window.
I was put off Dreamweaver at first with the messing about having to put the settings in every time you use it.
You can save the settings however via the "Manage Sites" menu as an .ste file. You can then import the file every time you start Dreamweaver and it loads all the settings for you.
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