The Hidden Goals
*Note* - This is not my main weekly blog, more of an interim blog. For my main weekly blog, please see below.
With the assignment deadline only a few weeks away, today I began to think about the website its self. Although I already have a working progress site, it is so far just something that I have designed and created without caring about usability and other vital issues.
With my previous assignments website, I created as part of my goals for the site, to conform to Accessibility guidelines 1.1, 2.1, 5.1 and 6.1, or to be more specific, 'Provide a text equivalent for every non-text element', 'Ensure that all information conveyed with colour is also available without colour', 'For data tables, identify row and column headers' and finally to 'Organize documents so they may be read without style sheets'.
I succeeded in all four of these goals which was a good thing, but I still feel I can do better. For this reason when I have completed the CO-ID of the website, I plan to implement the same guidelines, as well as try and add a few others in too.
Something I have already considered when creating the website was the colour scheme. Although I tried to choose a sort of ambient colour, I also tried to take into account the way in which people would see the colours. I found out that some of the hardest colours for people with colour blindness to see are red's and greens, and so tried to stay away from this. I also found out that blues and yellows can cause problems for people with colour blindness, but this is not as bad as red-green colour blindness as it is just the shade of the colour that is different, not actually the colour its self.
Doing this also brings to mind the lecture yesterday about the second year, where we were told that 'if an opportunity doesn't arrise to meet learning outcomes, make an opportunity'. This I feel has already started with this assignment, as although we were not told to actually create goals for our websites, in a way we all still have to create goals, even if we are not writing them down in the same way as we have been doing.