Thursday, August 30, 2007

Take A Shot

Just a quick blog regarding testing of websites. For the last assignment I used the BrowserCam website. It was a really useful website that gave you screenshots of your website in all different browsers, sizes, etc. The problem with this website was that it costs money to sign up for it (though you do get a free trial).

Today however, whilst using StumbleUpon I came across BrowserShots, it's basically the same principal as BrowserCam - but free. Now it does take absolutely ages to get your screenshots, so don't use it if your in a hurry, but if your testing can wait and there's other things you can be getting on with in the mean time it's a cheap way to get screenshots (especially if you don't have a Mac/PC or the browsers you need).

Because it takes so long I've yet to see the images to see how good they are, but I will try and update the blog with some examples ASAP. If anyone else has any similar sites then feel free to leave me a comment and I'll make a list of them.

1 comment:

Craig Burgess said...

To be fair though, if you don't have a Mac and you have a PC you can get nearly every browser you need anyway.

So what's the point?

Also, testing should be continuous, so it sounds a bit useless to me.