Friday, December 14, 2007

Updated Trexi Header Design

I've taken the feedback I've been give on my original Trexi design and made some changes seen below.

If anyone would like to give me any more feedback on my updated design then that would be great.

I'm still not sure about the logo where it is at present. I might change it back and put it somewhere else. I'm still not sure about the PI logo either, I think perhaps I'm trying too hard to use the font I've used but again feedback on any of these things would be appreciated.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Trexi Website - Header Design

I've just spent a little while trying to make a header for my Trexi site. I've tried to keep with the theme of the 'police tape' style design of my trexi it's self and came up with this:

It's by no means finished, but the basic idea is there. I was just wondering if anyone has any initial feedback before I get too far into the design. I realise it could be quite difficult to comment on the design without seeing how it will fit in with the rest of the site but I will hopefully be uploading that soon.

EDIT - Work in progress site now uploaded

Evaluation of the Last Semester

This past semester has been somewhat...different.

To begin the semester was our CSS beauty assignment. This required us to not only learn CSS but also learn about the history of it too. I found this one of the most difficult assignments to date mainly down to the fact that I had never used CSS before, only once previously for our summer assignment. Although I found the assignment very difficult I also found it to be very enjoyable as CSS is a very valuable tool to use in making websites.

At the same time as this assignment was going on we were also given our team project assignment. This is perhaps one of the strangest assignments we have had as we were not really given a brief. This is because we were expected to go out and find our own client and build a commercial website for them. Although the assignment is a huge task, and one that we couldn't afford to do wrong it has been the best assignment to date. Along with Craig and Mirhad I think we had a fantastic group and all gelled well together to get the tasks done. Throughout this assignment I have also learnt a lot more than I first thought I would have. Before starting this assignment I had never used PHP before or a content management system but I now feel relatively confident with both and hope to use them both again soon in future projects.

This assignment has also given us the chance to work in a more 'industry standard' way. We set ourselves the task of building a website in a day which, although ended up being planned quite late (for reasons outside our control) went exceptionally well and I was very pleased as to how it turned out. In the end we completed the site (or as much as we could have done at the time) in the allotted time and I'm exceptionally proud of what we did. If anyone get's the chance to do this sort of thing (1st years spring to mind straight away) then do take it, it will be one of the closest experiences you will get to 'the real world' in an educational enviroment you can get.

Our latest assignment (A12 - Culture Vulture) has got to be the strangest assignment to date though as it has involved a backwards design process. This basically meant that we had to design for a product which was unknown to us at the time. I really struggled with this assignment right from the word go as not only did I completely mess up my presentation but also I struggled to 'let myself go' and be diverse in the creation of my ideas. As the weeks progressed I felt that I managed to be a bit more creative but I still feel like I could have done more.

One of the highlights of the A12 assignment has being the creation of our own compilation CD's, though trying to make them as diverse as possible was quite a challenge. It made a change to listen to music that we would not normally have listened to, and although I didn't like all of it, I think it served it's purpose of inspiring me and influencing me in ways I perhaps would not have been otherwise.

At present I am in the process of making my trexi designs digital which is a huge task in it's self and I am feeling quite nervous towards the looming deadline as I still have a lot of work left to do (for both assignments). I still have to complete the digitisation of my designs, complete my website to upload them to, create a collectors card and write an evaluation - plus everything else for A11.

Once the deadline is over I will be happy to have a few weeks off and enjoy the Christmas break, clear my mind and be ready to come back to work ready for the final semester.

The new semester will definitely be the hardest yet, with 3 huge projects to undertake including learning a new piece of software, creating my own portfolio and partaking in the dreaded presentations. But the end is almost in sight and it's no time to let my standards slip, as Steve has said many a time now, do we want to go out with a whimper or a bang, and I definitely want to go out with a bang.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Trexi Designs

Below are 2 of my 3 trexi designs. My 3rd idea isn't as strong as these 2 (though I will be uploading it soon) but any feedback on these 2 for the moment would be appreciated.

This first idea uses the idea of some sort of tape surrounding my figurine. The yellow tape will contain some sort of text, though at the moment I've not decided on what.

For this idea I tried to keep away from my trexi being a character and used my design of 'spilt coffee'. From initial feedback it has been noted it looks more like a cow than spilt coffee and to recreate the idea of coffee on a computer could be a challenge but it is not a reason not to try.

As I said, 3rd idea to come shortly. Watch this space.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Comparison of BTEC and Skillset Standards

After spending the past few weeks looking at the National Occupational Standards it is clear that the differences between the 'industry professionals' and BTEC's standards are vast.

Before making any sort of comparison I feel it is important to firstly look at who is writing the Skillset standards. The majority of contributors are part of large companies (e.g Sky and Channel 4) and so perhaps their view of the industry and it's needs are somewhat distorted.

This is perhaps most obviously seen in IM11 which doesn't state 'designer' as a job role which would require you to know about copyright laws and intellectual property rights. This is most likely down to the fact that these big companies have huge in house design teams where as smaller companies with much smaller design teams can't afford to have so many different roles. A scenario which me are much more likely to face.

However BTEC are not perfect in their standards either, not by a long way. Due to the large amount of time since it's last update the BTEC syllabus is very outdated and in such a fast moving industry where the only real way to keep 'up to date' on goings on in is by using the Internet, a syllabus last updated 2 years ago (and most likely very minor changes at that) much of it is very, very dated.

The BTEC syllabus is also very long - 198 pages - which could be easily condensed. The reason that the BTEC syllabus is so long in comparison to the Skillset standards is mainly down to the fact that BTEC is purely academic and so means that certain goals and time frames should be set.

This brings up the question as to why Skillset does not include such measures in it's syllabus. This is Skillset's major let down, the fact that although they state what we are expected to know (or at least have an awareness of) they do not say as to what exact level (goals) or when we are expected to have learnt it by (time frames).

If Skillset were to implement these measures, especially some more specific goals, then it would give an even greater advantage to both educators and students than it currently does.

The big thing that needs to be looked at in both syllabuses (or syllabi dependent on your point of view) is the actual content that we 'must' learn. Obviously the Skillset standards are much less compulsory than BTEC's but never the less should be taken into consideration by educational institutes.

When comparing the two, the thing that jumps out at me the most is the technical aspect of the industry. BTEC offer very little in terms of technical units. Even learning something as valuable (and industry standard no matter where you work - almost) as CSS isn't compulsory so I suppose that a distinct lack of PHP, MySQL and databases is nothing to be shocked at.

Skillset on the other hand have a whole unit dedicated to coding scripts to 'provide functionality to interactive media products'.

BTEC of course faces a problem of it's own. Having to maintain an academic element to it's syllabus BTEC has to divide it's units between academic units as well as personal development work. This means that a lot of the units that Skillset recommend are unable to be implemented into the BTEC syllabus due to time been taken up by essays and such.

In an ideal world Skillset and BTEC would get together and come up with some sort of syllabus which took points from both syllabuses (again or syllabi) and made an academic/industry relevant one. But I can't see that day ever happening.

As it is, it is down to us (as students) to look at the skillset syllabus, decide what is relevent, and try and learn some of it ourselves in our own time instead of expecting everything to be given straight to us.