Website's Need a Good Stretch From Time to Time
This week I made a start on my website for the new assignment. I went out and took some pictures of various 'interesting objects' around my house, and have decided to make my website on my local high school.
Because I have never made a website solely in CSS before, I decided it was best to look into it somewhat. I looked through a few magazines I had previously bought and took a few ideas, and also looked at the website and found a few articles on CSS design.
One of the most interesting articles was an article about liquid websites that can adapt to fit the screen size. Although this is possibly a little ambitious for my first CSS website, I have decided to take the risk and attempt to create a 'liquid' or 'elastic' website. To do this I have also looked into a few other articles including an article on elastic design and an article about measuring in em's.
I have also so far completed my 'team roles' section of the website, and have gathered a few images for the first task. I still have a long way to go with the assignment, and a lot of work to do in the next few days if I am to keep on a sort of target.
One of the most difficult parts of the assignment so far is the time planning, I have attempted to create a basic outline of what I plan to do in my 120 hours, but without having set hours to the assignments as usual I am finding it rather difficult. I may try and do 32 hours a week to try and keep on top of the assignment and also so I can plan it out better like a normal college week, but with holidays coming up this could be quite difficult too.
I may use some of my 'free time' for the week to try an experiment with various ways of time keeping and see what suits me best for this assignment.