Holidays are a time for reflection
Well the assignments in and the holidays have begun. Assignment day was just as I expected really. I got into college early and handed my work straight in at reception and went up to the room feeling both extremely calm, and happy that I had handed it in and I didn't have to worry about it anymore. There were a few people in the room, some panicking slightly, some not. I decided that seen as I had all my work done and in that I would give some people a hand sorting out their assignments by reading through them or explaining solutions to their problems (mostly printer related). After a while a few of us headed down to the canteen for about an hour before heading to the pub.
At first when the idea of the pub was suggested I was slightly wary. I didn't know if it was a joke or not as Steve has always been about maintaining a proffesional approach to the course. But when we got there I realised the reason. We had no work we could be doing so most people would just of headed home anyway had we not have gone, but by going to the pub it helped us relax and gave us our first chance to discuss the assignment as a group and our views.
I found going to the pub somewhat helpful (for want of a better word) as I think that I got talking to alot of the members of the group more than I normally would and I think that everyone bonded alot more on a whole in a social situation rather than little groups in class.
But that's just one day. The first half of the term so far has been alot different.
In general it's been quite a hectic few weeks. What with starting the course, getting to know everyone, learning new software, and learning what is expected off us. I think that everyone has done well to cope with the amount of work we have received.
My favourite part of the course so far has been learning the new software. Although it hasn't been easy at times I think that in the long run been able to say that I know how to use different pieces of software will really help. Especially when we get onto software such as Photshop, Flash and Dreamweaver.
The worst part of the course however is probably having to readjust how I do things, as I've gotten used to what tutors expect from the AVCE course and what Steve expects on the HND is completely different. I suppose that this is just something of which I shall get used to as the course progresses however.
Next week when we are back at college I am going to really buckle down and get on with the work as I did this first half term. However I think that I may need to put alot more effort into self study periods, as I did have the occasional tendancy to let my work slide a little bit whilst I was at home. Some would call this confidence, some would call this stupidity, but when we go back to college there will be twice as much work to do so no matter what it gets called, it won't be happening again.
I'm quite looking forward to college again next week as we get two new assignments, one of which is a photoshop assignment which I think will be quite interesting, and the other is more of the same as we have done the past few weeks. It also means that we will be shortly getting our grades back from the first assignment and I find out if I passed the assignment.